Order & Delivery

Order Status

After you've placed your order, we will pack and ship it as soon as possible, usually the same or the following day after your order is confirmed. If you place your order before 12am Monday-Friday, we handle your order that very day. If you by any reason would like to change or cancel your order, please reach out to our customer support as soon as possible. When your order is sent from our warehouse in Sweden, you will get an email confirming this.



You can see directly at checkout which delivery methods we offer and the cost for the specific delivery method.

The goods are delivered using the delivery option you selected at checkout. Some providers offer both home delivery and delivery to a pickup point.

Please note that the number of delivery methods may change depending on the season and demand.


Delivery time

We will pack and ship your order as soon as possible and you can expect to receive it within 1-5 workdays after you've placed your order. Should your order not arrive within the expected days, please contact us so we can help you finding out what's gone wrong.


Uncollected parcel

For parcels that are not collected/where delivery have failed and therefore are automatically returned to us, there's an administrative fee of 25 GBP. This covers our costs for shipping, return and administration. Avoid this fee by collecting your parcel; you always have 14 days to return your order.